Automatic filing of invoices

  • Last Post 20 November 2020
marc o posted this 19 November 2020


 First of all I would like to point out that I am a true beginner without any real knowledge of programming.

For my first workflow, I would like to scan different supplier invoices (some double-sided and others not) and then automatically file them in folders with the names of the suppliers and if possible by invoice date and not by scan date.

I have already made several attempts with barcodes to separate, split etc... but without success.

Is this feasible and is there a simple enough method for a beginner like me?

Thank you in advance.


(Sharescan version V4)



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luca.scarpati posted this 20 November 2020

Hi Marco,


welcome to the Scanshare world cool.

They are basic steps so for sure you can do it, for example you may need two workflows for your case:

  1. Separate the document (Barcodes separation or Blank pages or split ... and save the document into WFS folder)
  2. Try to get your data (WF capture with folder field of the previous workflow, get names of suppliers and invoice date) and save the document according to your needs


Just for info we are now at version v5.10.20.

Have a nice day!


Best regards,




marc o posted this 20 November 2020

hello luca,

Thank you very much for this very quick answer so I will try it all out quickly and tell you if I succeeded.

And thank you again.

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  • luca.scarpati