Batch file import in PC-Client

  • Last Post 22 September 2022
Flavio Mendes posted this 21 September 2022

Hello everyone, I'm setting up a flow, which worked very well using a group of files, containing a cover where I identify an OCRZONA of the patient's name and the barcode of his registration, I separate this page after identifying this data and after , for each page with QRCODE I have a type of document that I determine where the document will be separated.

The delivery of data in this flow will then be from: example: c:\tasy\pacientes\123456\Flavio Mendes:


And this is working very well, considering I import one game file at a time!

As per the attachment of individual files.

But now I have a challenge that I'm not able to evolve.

I think it's something simple, but I couldn't find the right logic, or rather, the right tool!

And if I have in a single file with more than one package of documents, and in this file containing in exact sequence, containing a cover where I identify an OCRZONA of the patient's name and the barcode of his registration, I separate this page after identify this data and then, on each page with QRCODE I have a type of document that I determine where the document will be separated, and at the end of this document I have another cover, and so on.

Could I make scanshare understand that when it finds the cover, it must redo the process? using a loop?


I tried using Freeform, and conditional but I'm not getting success.

could you help me with this doubt?

Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 22 September 2022

Hi Flavio,

if your current workflow works for single documents then you need to understand the logic for making it work for a batch of documents. It is always simpler than it seems like everything in Scanshare , we always suggest dividing it into two workflows:

  1. Separate the document first, save the file as tiff with barcode value as filename (in this way not read again it in second workflow) ...according your purposes we think is usefull separate for this:  
  2. Get the separate document from output folder of 1. workflow, read zone ocr, get the QR and save it inside the WFS (remember that you can get the previous barcode inside the original filename with %ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSION%). 

In practice the last workflow will have the same steps as the current your workflow but without the barcode and with the WatchFolder pointing to the output of the first workflow.

Best regards,


