Continue process after document verification

  • Last Post 25 October 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
dusan.popovic posted this 16 October 2019

Hi Luca,

I have one cute workflow where i read data from scanned document with Zone OCR, then i run script that query SQL table and get next id, then i write collected data via barcode to the document, then i write all that data to SQL via update and i export file.

So, customer have different printers and contend of printed documents are moved and position of the position for zone ocr are moved.

I try to user anchor but there is no progress and still have problems...

So i want to use verification station, and if some of the required values are empty send that doc to verification.

Operator check document, enter/change values if they wrong, and when operator approve doc, then document need to be processed next.

I setup condition, and i add verification type, doc go to verification station, i change values manually but at the end i got wrong variables, not corrected...



I add triggers between Zone OCR and Script connector...

This is result in verification


And after i manually correct values, initial values are transferred not typed...

Any recommendation how to route document again back to the process and continue.

Hint: zone ocr don't find any value > send doc to verification > operator check and type values > approve doc > then doc continue to script connector then barcode writer.....

Thank You!


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luca.scarpati posted this 18 October 2019

Hi Dusan,


wow nice worklfow. So the variables are unmodified, after your manual correction in verification?

Before "approving" the document, did you remember to click the "Save" button? smile

Also I see that in the screen you receive many incorrect characters in the variables, are you sure that the Anchor is necessary for your scope/workflow? Maybe since you already use a script to query a DB you could use a script that reads areas (some big ZONEOCR or fulle OCRTEXT) from the document that interest you and take the "data" based on some RegEx. Obviously you can always add the user verification to "check" the data taken into the variable/variables that you have created into Script.


Have a nice day!


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  • dusan.popovic
dusan.popovic posted this 25 October 2019

Hi Luca,

Yes, you are right... i missed Save "Button"

Do you have some example script for big ocr zone for data extraction?

My data output is:

OCR_ZONE01=10000050 Bojan Medaković 2019 25.09.2019. 30.09.2019.

And i need separate variables: ID (always 8 numbers only), Name, Year, Date 1, Date 2, but name also can contain 3 letters with middle name...

i use this


%OCR_ZONE('  ',1)% = 10000050

%OCR_ZONE('  ',2)% = Bojan

%OCR_ZONE('  ',3)% = Medaković

%OCR_ZONE('  ',4)% =2019

%OCR_ZONE('  ',5)% =25.09.2019.

%OCR_ZONE('  ',6)% =30.09.2019.

but id name have 3 words year is not on 4 position, is on 5... and 5 and 6 are moved to 6 and 7...  :-/

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  • luca.scarpati
luca.scarpati posted this 25 October 2019

Hi Dusan,


ok for the save button innocent.


mmm for reading a big area with many different fields and data, we always suggest: 

  • read the content of the variable %OCRTEXT% directly


  • read the %OCR_ZONE% (liek yours) into Script. 

In It can create many complex RegEx and recognize the data to be inserted maybe in different variables, after that  you can use they into the workflow.

Here you go the example: in that script is extracted the ABN and Invoice Total...but you can modify it according to your purposes cool.


Best regards,


