CSI Capture enterprise

  • Last Post 20 September 2018
Gert De wit posted this 19 September 2018

Dear Support,

I custumor of mine has several Samsung XOA mfp's. On this machines the embedded Scanshare Client has been installed on. This Clients are setup and connected to a server side application called "CSI Capture enterprise"

Is this application also from Scanshare? (maybe old version...)
The custumor says that this application is the same as Scanshare server software but i have never seen it before.

The Samsung Xoa machines are now replaced by new HP machines with the HP OXP (Futuresmart).
So i also need an embedded client app for this new machines.

luigi.zurolo posted this 20 September 2018

Hi Gert,

yes it is Scanshare, this is one of our old Enterprise version (3.x) which was distributed under the brand of CSi Capture for the Samsung channel.

For Samsung compatibility we have available also SmartUX embedded clients if the customer should have one of those devices (they have been rebranded to HP keeping the same technology for a while).

Otherwise we do have HP OXP integration as well under beta status in the latest release of the software (v4.9.1). I suggest you contact our PO department at po@scanshare.com and ask to obtain a test license for it. Whatever problems you should have with the integration being a beta you can then write to our support team at support@scanshare.com.

Best Regards,

