FIle name with print client

  • Last Post 17 January 2019
patrick.loxhay posted this 15 January 2019


We were testing the printer client for a potential customer. They want to print from an application, Medtech, and have the file converted to a pdf.  They also wanted the pdf file name to be the same as the document name.  We can't find an option to set that as a variable.  The only variable option that is available is Originalfilename and that does store the document with the correct document name.

The customer also does not want to have to type the filename in, they want to have it as automated as possible.





luigi.zurolo posted this 17 January 2019

Hi Patrick,

unfortunately this is not currently possible because we miss the filename in the printing events so when the print job will go back to the client it contains just the print job ID, that's why the original filename will produce a different filename because it is according the original filename in the server workflow source folder (incoming for clients).

Maybe a possible workaround is the Save As or Export functions if available inside the customer application. Instead of printing save or export the document in a network shared folder monitored by a workflow which will then use the original filename variable.

