Using Multiple Templates For Zone OCR in a Workflow

  • Last Post 26 January 2021
Mic.O posted this 21 January 2021


We've installed ScanShare version 5.11.20 64bit for a client, and created a simple workflow that

  1. Takes documents from a watch folder
  2. Capture code and date from the document via Zone OCR
  3. Create a folder in a network location with the captured code and save the file renamed with the date

The client gave a sample cover page to do the Zone OCR and we use the logo as an anchor. But we found out that there is another cover page which has the customer's new logo, and both these documents are used. 

How can I set up the workflow to handle both these types of documents to achieve the same results? 

I saw a post about the FreeForm module, but I don't see that option in my Dashboard. 

  • Would that module help us achieve a solution?
  • if so, where do we get that module?


Sometimes the code in the zone is not captured properly. e.g. letters are replaced. U becomes I I etc. Would this be because of the quality of the scanned document?

Thanks in advance.




luigi.zurolo posted this 26 January 2021

Hi Michael,

yes you might be using FreeForm to teach both different covers to the system, however you might be using also some smart workflow to detect those pages in the form of a Zone OCR somewhere on a distinguish text and a condition (or a script) to check the contents of this text which helps you to detect it is one or the other cover page.

Anchor will adjust shifting of the zones according the anchor zone defined, so it must be unique in the document. Consider also that if you don't have any shifting in the document anchor is also not useful and will bring just additional processing time.

For the OCR letters problem yes it might be depending from the document quality. Keep in mind that when using Zone OCR the engine will not perform a complete page detection which helps it to detect some font issues which can be corrected knowing the overall document appearance (common OCR engines techniques).

About the missing FreeForm entry yes it might be due to your license, you can simply request it to our PO / Licensing department.

Note that for specific and details support matters you might want to write to the Support instead.
