HP Color LaserJet MFP E78330

  • Last Post 21 June 2022
ags-tn posted this 16 June 2022


the task on server not start.

i found the image files put from device in the folder HPMFP\Scans_Temp

note: in sub folder there as two file STARTED and FINISHED at 0 byte

i have another printer HP (m577) and with this it's ok



luca.scarpati posted this 21 June 2022

Hi Giulio,


if the process does not start it means that something incomplete arrives at the server after finishing the scan. It could be due to something blocking the client/server communication, as I can understand you are using the HP Oxpd client and it uses FTP to store the files once the scan is finished.

So please check all the ports and Is the other MFP on the same network with same server? 


Here the list of the port used: https://forum.scanshare.com/thread/what-are-the-v5-application-ports/

Just for info we have also the new HP Workpath available for the latest generation of the HP devices that not use a FTP for the store but the scans is sent to the server directly via REST API.


Have a nice day!


Best regards,

