Remove special char from Variable

  • Last Post 20 September 2022
Marcello Noferini posted this 20 September 2022

Dear Paople,

I'm a reseller of ScanShare and I've done few Job with this fantastic program (I'm entusiastic day after day of use it).

This time I've found a "stupid" problem but complex to me to solve it ('couse my lack of knowleged).

I'm reading PDF file with Zone OCR, the variable DDT_DEST-RGS contain the name of the company. Some of them have a special char $ (for ex: P. & C. S.R.L.) and when this char is place on the XML output, it become a command.

I was trying to find the way to remove it from variable, but I'm getting mad...

Any suggestion?

Tank you

ScanShare 5.22.03

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Marcello Noferini posted this 20 September 2022

Waiting for the answer...I found the solutions (looking between the FAQ)

In practice, it processes the variable (OCR zone) character by character, if it finds the dollar character (& it ignores it, the rest writes it in the new variable PART.
So in the output XML file, I use this variable..


  • Liked by
  • luca.scarpati
Steph posted this 20 September 2022


In this case, i generally use the vbs replace function:


  • Liked by
  • luca.scarpati