WFS - PDF output whit metadata TAG

  • Last Post 26 November 2018
Rosario Tumello posted this 22 November 2018


the last update of my CRM now requires that the PDFs to be processed in automatic must have the following TAGs:

tag /Subtype/Image followed by the type tag /dctdecode, /flatdecode or /ccittfaxdecode and the width / height (for any age of file)

I check that scanshare don't put this tag on pdf file

Can you help me?

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Rosario Tumello posted this 23 November 2018

Below is an example of the tags I would like in the PDF file:

23 0 obj


/Type /XObject

/Subtype /Image

/Width 1654

/Height 2340

/BitsPerComponent 1

/ColorSpace /DeviceGray

/Filter /CCITTFaxDecode

/DecodeParms << /K -1 /Columns 1654 >>

/Length 35246




luigi.zurolo posted this 26 November 2018

Hi Rosario,

those are not PDF tags, which are available under the output profile, PDF settings, Custom properties and they are normally encoded as XMP properties inside the PDF structure.

The sample you pasted it is an embedded XObject of the type Image definition, so in simple words an image which has been embedded into a PDF page. You can find those "properties" in any PDF Scanshare creates since it is a standard of the PDF itself.

I think you are talking just about specific compressions of the image object when referring to the FlatDecode, DCTDecode and CCITTFaxDecode, and we normally use MRC and Jpeg / JBIG compressions which produce the smallest PDF at the better quality since our images are embedded in JPEG format. FlatDecode for example is used for Text, ZIP and PNG streams inside a PDF while CCITTFaxDecode is mostly used for TIFF streams.

We don't provide a so deep control on the PDF creation but just on the quality image and color level, and all embedded images are always JPEG.

