Cannot create OAuth user for OneDrive Pro

  • Last Post 03 January 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
Steph posted this 08 October 2018

Hello Scanshare team,


I use Capture & Store 4.9.1 and i can't create a OAuth user for OneDrive Professional.


I did steps describe in this topic how-do-i-configure-dns-for-oauth, so i'm connected to Capture & Store through this URL:


But, when i create a new OAuth user for OneDrive Pro, i've got this error:

AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: 'fb733404-ce7e-46b4-a148-624ea8046d74'.


Did i miss something, or there is some changes in authentication method?


Best regards




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Steph posted this 08 October 2018

As additional information, i could create a GoogleDrive OAuth user in my configuration.



luca.scarpati posted this 09 October 2018

Hi Stéphane,


your error is normal because Microsoft has updated the APP id for oAuth authentication. It will be available in the new version...

Please for your case, follow this steps:

  • Stop Ultidev WebServer and all CS process
  • Delete the connector folder "OneDriveforBusiness" in the YOURCSPATH\Web\Connectors
  • Delete the specific DLL "OneDriveforBusiness.dll" in the YOURCSPATH\Web\App_Data\Dependencies
  • Insert the new connector folder (extract in the YOURCSPATH\Web\Connectors
  • Insert the new DLL (extract in the YOURCSPATH\Web\App_Data\Dependencies
  • Start Ultidev WebServer and all CS process
  • Recreate the oAuth user and try the connection again

...attachments only work for the version e-bridge capture and store v4.9.1.


Please let us know if you need anymore help or info.

Have a nice day cool!


Best regards,


Attached Files

Steph posted this 09 October 2018

Hi Luca,


I did the steps but now i've this OnedriveforBusinness loadind extension error when launching Capture & Store(see attached), the same  when upgrade 4.8 to 4.9.

I confirm that i use v4.9.1.

I don't if that matter but i use x86 edition of Capture & Store 4.9.1.


Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 11 October 2018

Hi Stéphane,


yes you'are right, there are some references to the old connector in the standard OneDrive. So the steps to follow now are these (without removing the previous DLLs already added above):

 - Stop ultidev web server and all CS services

 - Delete the complete folder OneDrive from the path C:\Program Files\YOURCSPATH\Web\Connectors

 - Extract the DLLs_1 in the C:\Program Files\YOURCSPATH\Web\App_Data\Dependencies

 - Extract the DLL_2 in the C:\Program Files\YOURCSPATH\Web\Connectors\OneDriveforBusiness\bin

 - Start Ultidev WebServer and all CS process

 - Recreate the oAuth user and try the connection again you will only find OneDrive for business, please let me know if you also need the standard OneDrive.


Best regards,


Attached Files

Steph posted this 12 October 2018

Hi Luca,

After these changes, i came back to the initial error when registering OAuth user:

AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: 'face1d07-b99d-418f-9719-fe31bd541526'.


Best regards



luca.scarpati posted this 12 October 2018

Hi Stéphane,


try with attached DLL, extract it always in the same folders written in the message above obviously after stopping Ultidev Web Server and CS services. 


Best regards,


Attached Files

Steph posted this 12 October 2018

Hi Luca,

It is ok with this new dll, i can create correctly the Oauth user.

In OnedriveforBusiness storage connector, the connection test works, but the manual upload shows an error (see attached) but it works through the workflow that's the important.

i'm interested for this workaround for OneDrive (classic)

Best regards




Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 16 October 2018

Hi Stéphane,


attached the DLL that work for OneDrive standard. The step follows are always the same: 

 - Stop ultidev web server and all CS services

 - Extract the DLLs_1 in the C:\Program Files\YOURCSPATH\Web\App_Data\Dependencies

 - Extract the DLL_2 in the C:\Program Files\YOURCSPATH\Web\Connectors\OneDrive\bin

 - Start Ultidev WebServer and all CS process


For the problem with test upload, are you sure you can upload to the folder specified in the field above?


Only for information the new OneDrive and OneDrive for business connectors will be inserted in the next 4.9.2 version planned around mid of November cool.


Have a nice afternoon!


Best regards,


Attached Files

Steph posted this 17 October 2018

Hi Luca,


For the upload test, i'm sure i can upload in root folder -> it works throuhg the workflow ;-)

Thank you for OneDrive dll.

Best regards



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  • luca.scarpati
rroig posted this 13 December 2018

Hi Luca,
I have the same problem but with Convert+share.

Do you have any .dll modified for this system? It`s for connect with OneDrive for business.

Thanks in advance.

luca.scarpati posted this 14 December 2018

Hi Rodrigo,


which version are you using? in one of the last internal version it has been fixed.

However we are about to release the new official version cool.


Best regards,


rroig posted this 14 December 2018

Hi Luca, thanks for you answer.

I'm using  v4.9.1 ,read in this post Onedrive updated the OAuth and need new .dll, right??? laughing

Thanks in advance.


luigi.zurolo posted this 14 December 2018

Hi Rodrigo,


yes correct because Microsoft discarded the old SDK and you need the new update in order to get it working again.

However the new connectors are already available as of v4.9.1.2 (internal build), so you can use that one, or any newer one, directly.




rroig posted this 28 December 2018

Hi Luigi / Luca,
I have the new version 4.10.0 and have the same problem than the other version.

I'm reading the scanshare manual and I can not find any way to configure it, can there be a broader manual? Or some video/manual step by step for configure Onedrive and the Convert+search?

Thanks in advance and happy new year!

luca.scarpati posted this 28 December 2018

Hi Rodrigo,


mmm strange, are you sure it's the same error message?

Maybe you skipped a few steps in configuring your local DNS or something else ...

On our forum there are some guides for this: 




...if you have any other errors, please open a ticket with your error screen and some more detailed information at our support portal (or send an email



Best regards,


rroig posted this 03 January 2019

Hi Luca,

I`m trying to configure C+S.

Thanks for your answer, if i have the same problem will send one email to support.

Great 2019 for you and scanshare team!

Best regards

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  • luca.scarpati