Freeform failover

  • Last Post 06 July 2020
  • Topic Is Solved
stan780953 posted this 27 June 2020

Is it possible to have documents that are not recognized by the Freeform module redirected to another folder to then be processed by a verification queue or do you have any other suggestions for failover?

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luigi.zurolo posted this 29 June 2020


yes it is possible, FreeForm trigger can also be configured for documents not matching any form and apply a specific processing route for them.

To do this just insert a FreeForm trigger without marking any profile an save it, this configuration means actually when the documents are not matching any of the profile, in this route you can store to a watch folder monitored by a second workflow or you can apply directly processing options for the not recognized documents.



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  • stan780953
stan780953 posted this 06 July 2020

Brilliant, thank you.
