Information about Digital Signature in PDF output profile

  • Last Post 01 September 2022
Steph posted this 22 July 2022

Hello Scanshare team,

Some customers would like to add digital signature to PDF files.

I know that Capture & Store could do it with the Digital signature process in PDF output profile.

I've seen in the help, the types of digital signature that can be used in CS.

I've done some search on internet, but i find essentially digital signatures as cloud services, so it can't be used in a CS installation.

Do you have any recommendations about Digital signature providers which  sells digital signature certificates usable in Capture & Store?

Best regards





luigi.zurolo posted this 01 September 2022

Hi Steph,

yes Capture & Store fully supports digitally signatures but using a local signing certificate, basically at the end the process is the same but dealing with the certificate directly, unless you mean the "signing" process as putting a signature yourself.

Digital signing is official sign the PDF with the authority given by the certificate used which could be a test certificate which you can generate on your own with any SSL tools (such as OpenSSL) or by an authority so you own certificate on your legal name or business company and this last one has validity to officially certify the document is signed by that entity (Adobe will report the signer authority at the top of the PDF within a banner where you can see the details on the certificate used and to which authority belongs).

Moreover C&S allows to use online timestamping services which some times are mandatory to prove the date of signing since they cannot be local as the time can be manipulated.

For the certificate you can use any certificate in PFX format (inclusive of private key required to create a signature) which you can download from any service, then you can find a lot of timestamping services online free and on paid basis.
