Scan Workflow with 2 Barcodes per form on KonicaMinolta DN Essentials

  • Last Post 12 August 2021
DN-Newbie posted this 10 August 2021


first of all I'm new to this forum and I'm german, so sorry for my english. 


I discovered this forum by hitting a google search match. I'm using Document Navigator V4 Essentials from Konica Minolta. I don't know if this is a Konica branded version of scanshare but it looks very similar. I also think Essentials version does not have all the features of the full version. In the online manual of DN I found a link to scanshare.

I'd like to create a scan workflow.The workflow should do the following:

We have different types of forms with mostly two barcodes on it. 

One is form number, type "Code128". The other one is Customer Number, type "CodeInterleaved2of5".

Not every form has the second barcode with customer number, but about 90% have it.

Every single form has the form number barcode.

I'd like to do the follwowing:

Create a scan workflow for a batch of mixed forms with different form and customer numbers per form, printed double sided.

Output should go directly to a specific Mail address without using network file storage, ideally separated by barcode "form number" since not every form has the "customer number" barcode. In Email subject or at least in the file name there should be both variables, "form number" and "customer number".

My problem is the following: if I use one of the two barcodes as a separator and the other one not, it separates the files correctly and creates one mail per file. But the second  barcode variable output is the same in every single file of my scanned forms batch. For example if the first customer number was 123456 and the second customer number 56789, the file name always looks like this:
Customer: 123456 form number: form_one
Customer: 123456 form number: form_two (form number in file name is correct and output is separated correctly)

I'd like to have the customer number first in the mail subject in order to sort the mail inbox by customer number.

In my workflow I have one processing step "Barcode Reader" where I put a sample file and marked the areas of the two barcodes. I also tried to do two steps "Barcode Reader" and read them separately but it doesn't work for me.

Is it possible to get information of both barcodes into the Email subject without using network file storage? A compromise for me would be to simply use customer number as a separator, but it won't separate correctly in case that there is a form that doesn't have that barcode. So separation would be better by "form number".

I hope it is clear what I want to tell. Thanks for any help.

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luca.scarpati posted this 11 August 2021



welcome on board cool and yes the "Essentials" version not have all the features of "full" version.

Your description is very clear, the workflow process should be good and should work as you said, maybe the reading of the barcodes happens in some different way or do you use some triggers? Which DN version do you use?

Maybe I suggest you try to export all the variables with Data export (simple workflow Capture -> Barcode Module -> Data export module) and also check the actual value of the barcodes in the logs (maybe in debug, you can change the value inside the server settings).


If you need to share more "specific" information (export of workflow, input document and output examples) I suggest don't do it directly on the forum for privacy reasons ... but please write directly to our support ( for sure they will be able to suggest a better way to solve your workflow.


Best regards,


DN-Newbie posted this 11 August 2021

Hi Luca,

thanks for your advice. I did a test scan batch with 3 forms (4 pages printed double sided, 8 pages in total) and exported a full variable dump to the server. Document Navigator Version is

I have two barcodes, configured like this:

FNR is form number, CNR is customer number

FNR config:
Regular expression:empty
Search on Page 1 only
Fixed region NO
Use as separator YES
Remove Page NO

CNR config:
Regular expression:empty
Search on All Pages
Fixed region NO
Use as separator NO
Remove Page NO

My Output file name is: %CNR%_%FNR%_SENT_BY_%USERNAME% 
(%USERNAME% is a variable from our KonicaMinolta MFP Machines, where our users are logging in with their ID and password)

The dump is very interesting:


File output is as follows:


so basically the dump contains all the information I need. Is there a possibility to create filenames out of it? Can I get the _PX (Page number) of both variables into the filename?

Another problem is that the forms have different numbers of pages, as seen in my test batch (P1: 4 Pages, P5: 2 pages, P7: 2 pages etc)

Thanks again in advance for any advice.

luca.scarpati posted this 11 August 2021



more than welcome,  you are using a very old version of DN laughing.


Have you tried separate the workflow in two workflows?

There are many ways to do it, the first one that comes to mind...for example:

  1. you can try to separate only the document into first workflow. Capture -> Barcode Reader with separation -> WFS (set the output profile in tiff and filename as %FNR%_SENT_BY_%USERNAME%)
  2. set the watch folder (with previous WFS path as input path) as capture, read the barcode value %CNR%, in the output connector set the filename %CNR%_%ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSION% and pdf as output profile.


Your problem is specific to your scope so I suggest you please contact our support as already mentioned in the previous message.


Best regards,


DN-Newbie posted this 11 August 2021

Hi Luca,

I did as you suggested and it does what I want it to do. I put the first scan on a temp folder on the server and created a watch folder workflow for that folder. It adds the information from the second barcode and sends an E-Mail for each file beginning with customer number in subject. Files are deleted automatically after that from the watch folder. I also added a timestamp and uniquecounter to the filename to make sure it works when same form number appears multiple times, which is a realistic scenario.

And by the way, I'll ask Konica Minolta for a free update of DN tongue-out

Thank you very much for your help.

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  • luca.scarpati
luca.scarpati posted this 12 August 2021



great and more than welcome!!!


Remember that everything (or almost everything, especially with the essentials version) is possible with DN/Scanshare laughing.

Have a nice daycool.


Best regards,

