Split document when OCR zone value changes

  • Last Post 05 May 2022
  • Topic Is Solved
Steph posted this 04 May 2022

Hello Scanshare team,

Is there any way to split a document when the zone ocr value changes?

Exemple: A zone OCR is configured for all pages of a scan job.

First page, zone value: aaaa

Second page, zone value: aaaa

Third page, zone value: bbbb -> split document after page 2

Fourth page, zone value: cccc -> split document after page 3


I don't see how to do this with software features or with a script.

Any tricks or advices?

Best regards




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luca.scarpati posted this 05 May 2022

Hi Stéphane,


it should be easy as always but there may be different ways according to your specific case, for example one way could be this:

  1. Capture -> Zone OCR with Separation enabled (of course you need a RegExp for it) -> Store the separate document with filename the zone ocr, TIFF as output and Append option enabled (doing so the zones with the same value will be together in the same document)
  2. Capture (with the path of output 1.) -> Store as PDF

Another case could also be to split page by page, then read the zone (in this case also via SmartOCR or Script) and then append the splitted page with the value of the zone taken (looks like the store of the 1. point).


As always, there are many ways in Scanshare to arrive at the "final" solution cool, in general it depends on the specifics of the customer case.


Best regards,



Steph posted this 05 May 2022

Hi Luca,

I hadn't thought of  a split/rebuild method.

Thank you very much for the hint.

Best regards




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  • luca.scarpati