Convert document while keeping the original file

  • Last Post 01 April 2020
Andre Dias posted this 24 March 2020

Hi everyone,


is it possible to create a simple workflow to convert for example a .docx -> .tiff while moving the tiff to a new folder but keeping the docx in the original folder without triggering the workflow again, creating an infinite loop?


Best regards


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luigi.zurolo posted this 24 March 2020

Hi Andre,


in general yes this is possible. Watch folder supports also document based formats such as Microsoft Word and those documents are rasterized in order to be processed, hence they will follow the same process of any other standard image so that you can output a TIFF file out of it.

Note that sometimes, according the Word structure, the output document might not fully respect the original format due to the rasterization process.

If you try to do this and you might find an "Invalid format" error message in the logs it could be that you don't have the right version of the Microsoft OpenXML SDK for which I'm attaching it the right version to be replaced into Web/App_Data/Dependencies.

Another option might be to use the Printer client which can retain more the original format dealing with Windows print job data. In this case you can simply print from Word on the virtual printer to get the document processed at the server side on the target workflow.

Attached Files

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  • Andre Dias
Andre Dias posted this 25 March 2020

Hi Luigi,


I'm not entirely sure that this is what we're looking for. Maybe i fail to understand your workflow/process.


I'll try to explain my idea a bit more in depth.

What we're looking for is a way to convert a document into any format without moving or replacing the original file.

The more specific usecase we're looking for right now (but not exclusive to this one) is that we're trying to convert thousands of .docx to .tiff and .pdf, but we want to retain the original .docx. It's very important that the original file doesn't get touched at all. No converting to a specific format and then formating back.


If i go ahead and create a watch folder (capture) + windows file system (store) - the .docx will be converted and deleted at the end of the workflow. Maybe a workflow where the original file gets duplicated and then converted and moved to a different folder. Would that be possible?

So my idea would be something like this:

Watch folder - two roots to Windows File Systems. One doesn't process the document, the other converts to a different folder. Would'nt that in theory do exactly what i was describing above?


Best regards and thank you very much for your continued help,


luigi.zurolo posted this 26 March 2020

Hi Andre,


yes that's exactly what I'm explaining for, the process to convert.

To keep another copy of the source document just add an extra Windows File System connector in the same process and configure it with an output profile with the output format set as "Original", this will output the original file without any processing.

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  • Andre Dias
Andre Dias posted this 26 March 2020

 I tried doing that but i keep getting an error in my process logs.

Error | Processing file does not exists - check server process (this should not occur)


I have a watchfolder with roots to two windows file system connectors. One of them has the output format original, the other .tiff.

I tried pretty much every way of connecting the modules i could think of. It always results in the document disappearing.

I tried sending the documents to different folders too, but it just wont happen for me.


Could you maybe send me an example of a workflow that does what i'm looking for?

luigi.zurolo posted this 27 March 2020

Hi Andre,


if you receive that error on the Original format output line then it is a known issue already fixed, you should use the latest version available.

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  • Andre Dias
Andre Dias posted this 27 March 2020

Hi Luigi, which version are you reffering to? The 4.11 or 5 release? I asked my reseller for those upgrades yesterday but it looks like it will take quite a while before i we get that update. We are currently on Capture & Store This was the latest update available when we updated two weeks ago. 

luca.scarpati posted this 30 March 2020

Hi Andre,


the new v4.11 is available and contains the fix above. Ask your reseller to check the latest version in the download portal innocent.


Have a nice week!


Best regards,


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  • Andre Dias
Andre Dias posted this 30 March 2020

Hi Luca,

Does v5 contain that aforementioned fix too? If possible we'd like to update to the newer UI as soon as possible.

Toshiba told us that they just started doing internal testing and that it would take a while before it gets released to the end-users.


Would it be wise to switch to the new version right away or are you guys getting a lot of bug reports?

Updating Capture&Store is a pretty complicated task in our case due to the network structure, so we'd like to update only if it's really necessary.


One last question: Do you have a broschure, some kind of feature overview or just some screenshots for v5? I can't find much online other than that it got released.


Best regards


luca.scarpati posted this 31 March 2020

Hi Andre,


yes, v5 also contains these fixes.

Of course you can also install the v5 version, for us it is an official release version ... but you must always check that your assistance dealer  gives consent to install the new version (also because as you wrote you have a special environment laughing).


For your specific brochure you will have to ask your dealer, we have our general available on our website.


Have a nice day!


Best regards,


Andre Dias posted this 31 March 2020

Hi Luca,

sadly i can't find anything related to v5 (Screenshots, Features or anything other than the announcement) on your website too.

Could you provide me with a link please? I'd be happy with just some screenshots to be totally honest. I just want to know what i'm getting before i install.


Best regards,


luca.scarpati posted this 31 March 2020

Hi Andre,


eheheheh easy, go to our website -> Resources -> Scanshare v5 datasheet  cool


Best regards,



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  • Andre Dias
Andre Dias posted this 01 April 2020

Hi Luca,


i swear it wasn't there yesterday. I know it's april 1st and all but come one man, you don't need to do me like that. laughing


Thanks! I'll just reply to this thread, once we got the update figured out.


Best regards,


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  • luca.scarpati
luca.scarpati posted this 01 April 2020

Hi Andre,


ahahahah TOP innocent ... maybe it is due to a browser cache, however the latest datasheet had recently been added.

More than welcome and have a nice day!


Best regards,


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  • Andre Dias