Creating workflows and linking other workflows within

  • Last Post 06 October 2020
ScoeService posted this 06 October 2020


Got a question in regards to if its possible to refer to other workflows in a workflow itself. I'll try to explain a little more detail.

A customer of ours is creating a number of workflows using the MFD > ZoneOCR > WindowsFolder. This is working fine, however as more and more are added, the main screen is starting to fill up, and the customer doesn't want to scroll through pages and pages to find the appropriate workflow. 

is it possible to create a generic workflow, with a question from the MFD asking the user to select the correct workflow from a dropdown list and then have the selected workflow pick up the job and process it?

Or is there a better way of organising the many many ZoneOCR Invoice workflows the customer has created?





luca.scarpati posted this 06 October 2020

Hi Steve,


it depends on the user's cases, presumably if he uses so many different zone OCR it is because the input document is different.

The ways to do something like this are different as always in Scanshare cool,  for example:

  1. (following your proposal) A single new workflow with a selected question that selects the workflow (maybe with static picklist), the documents will be stored in folders which will then be set as Watch Folder in your current workflows after disable the actual MFP capture. So the workflow should be: Capture with question -> Triggers condition that check the value of question variable -> Connectors WFS (a folder for each next workflow). 
  2. Check the differences between the various input documents and understand how to filter the documents to perform the right operations on them with the Zone OCR or Script or Smart OCR zones. So in this case maybe you need only one workflow.
  3. If the customer have a FreeForm module, you can check if you should use the Freeform and then add the Freeform trigger in the workflow and check the right FreeForm profiles before start the Zone OCR modules.
  4. ...

The ways/workflows can be different as mentioned above, just find the one that satisfies the customer.


Best regards,


