Direct link for verification queue

  • Last Post 31 May 2024
Matthias posted this 25 April 2024

Hi there

I am searching for a way to send users a direct link for the verification queue to process and verify documents.

So once link is clicked, they are redirected to their verification queue after successfull login.

But it looks like that direct links are not supported any longer, like https://<server-hostname>:60440/verification.

The link always ends up by default in the dashboard (or what user or admin has configured as default) after user login.

These direct links have been possible in previous versions and wonder if we can still get it in the current releases?

Best regards, Matthias

luca.scarpati posted this 31 May 2024

Hi Matthias,


yes is true because from the way it works now, server-side user access is common to everything in the Scanshare world.

Technically that's not a real web page now, so yes you can suggest the end-user simply to login at the user control panel -> verification.


Have a nice weekend!

