Document name prefix of attachment when using email capture

  • Last Post 25 October 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
patrick.loxhay posted this 24 October 2019


I have a scan workflow that has the email capture client to OCR email attachments.  I OCR the attachments and then send them back to the user that emailed the file.  I wanted to use the original file name of the attachment when I send back the attachment to the user.  I name the OCR'ed file with the variable %ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSION%.  The issue I have is that the file is sent back to the user with a prefix of attachment.  For example, if I named a file document at a MFD and then emailed it to Scanshare the resulting file sent back to the user is attachment_document.pdf.  Is there a way of not having the prefix put into the file name?





luigi.zurolo posted this 25 October 2019

Hi Patrick,


yes that's intended behavior to differentiate incoming files, however you can simply use the variable expressions to extract the part after the first underscore in this way:


Where the number 1 will be "Attachment" and number 2 will be what's next .. assuming you have no more underscores in the filename where otherwise a detailed script cleaning might be necessary.

