Document Navigator and Kyocera Client

  • Last Post 24 November 2022
petoev posted this 23 November 2022


I have a license with 2 Kyocera clients.

Has anyone already successfully connected a Kyocera?

I am also missing the Kyocera Connector under Capture.

What do I have to do so that I can work with a Kyocera?

Thanks a lot


luca.scarpati posted this 24 November 2022

Hi Peter,


the Kyo components for some Scanshare Brand looks like DN are disabled by default, that's compare to Scanshare brand has all enabled in the custom installation. You can enable the components at time to installation just select a custom installation and you simply enable the missed component that are usefull in the specific your case.


In case you have already installed the application ... you need to add it, so double click on the installation .exe and click "modify", you can easily modify the installation and add the missing components (in your case the Kyo).

Just for info in this section on our help&manul you can see more info about the custom installation.


Best regards,


