Duplicate a PDF cocument and save it as a single one

  • Last Post 02 November 2022
FTR sistemes posted this 27 October 2022

Ciao Luigi:


Would you be so kind as to help me? (you or another gentle colleague..):

A client of us need  to duplicate a PDF (1 or more pages) and merge them and save them as a single one:

A pdf of 1 page becomes a PDF of 2 pages

A pdf od 2 pages bcomes a Pdf of 4 pages

I'm Josep from Futurprint, a Dealer from Olivetti. 


I attended a course that you gave to Olivetti dealers. It was a really masterful course. That day I learned that

"Il dotore dice sempre SI"...

Hope you be great¡¡



luca.scarpati posted this 02 November 2022

 Hi Josep,


as we often say in Scanshare, things can be done in various ways smile, for example your workflows could be like this:

  1. input document -> script that check if the file already exist: 
    1. if exist -> WFS connector with append (tiff as output profile) and ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSION as filename
    2. if not exist -> WFS connector (tiff as output profile) and ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSION as filename -> another WFS connector that add the same document again in the same input folder
  2. input document (creating from the 1.) -> WFS connector with PDF as output profile


Best regards,

