i am using a VB script ( below ) to search for an account number starting with various numbers / letters then capturing the whole account number to name the file.
eg. starting account numbers such as : MP0,AP0,XP0,0P0,30P0,33P0 etc, if the account is not found, it names it ##NOT FOUND##
My script runs fine but if it looks for 30P0, it will name the file 0P0 as this is in the string of accounts to search. I assume this is a windows thing ?
if i remove 0P0 from the search string in the script then it will name the file 30P0 as it should.
is there anything that can be modified in the script to allow it to search for 30P0 and 0P0 naming them correctly ?
an actual account number is in the format 30P012345
hope this makes sense!!
ocrText = Metadata.Values("OCRTEXT")
On Error Resume Next '###needed to skip the error handling
'Variables contain the regular expressions that will be use to look for the required information, will need to be modified when more combinations may occur
Dim Target, Target2
Target = ".*(EP0|NP0|MP0|AP0|SP0|FP0|WP0|XP0|HP0|TP0|KP0|BP0|UP0|UPO|RPO|LPO|RP0|LP0|BPO|CP0|MPo|MPO|APo|SPo|UPo|FPo|FPO|WPo|XPo|HPo|TPo|KPo|BPo|CPo|EPo|NPo|29PO|30PO|31PO|29P0|30P0|31P0|32P0|32PO|33PO|33P0|3opo|3op0|30PO|30po|dpo|Dp0|Dpo|OPO|opo|0p0|0P0|OP0)([A-z]*[0-9]+)"
'Target2 = ""
Dim arrLines
arrLines = Split(ocrText, "\r\n")
call Metadata.SetValues("MY_TEXT", "## NOT FOUND ##")
'call Metadata.SetValues("MY_SUPPLIER", "## NOT FOUND ##")
Dim matchedValue
'Then you can iterate it like this
For Each strline in arrLines
match = GetFirstMatch(target, strline)
If match <> "" Then
call Metadata.SetValues("MY_TEXT", match)
End If
'match = GetFirstMatch(target2, strline)
'If match <> "" Then
'call Metadata.SetValues("MY_SUPPLIER", match)
'End If
' Get the first objRE submatch from the string
' Returns empty string if not found, otherwise returns the matched string
Function GetFirstMatch(PatternToMatch, StringToSearch)
Dim objRE , CurrentMatch, objMatch
Set objRE = New RegExp
objRE.Pattern = PatternToMatch
objRE.IgnoreCase = True
objRE.Global = False
Set objMatch = objRE.Execute(StringToSearch)
GetFirstMatch = ""
' We should get only 1 match since the Global property is FALSE
If objMatch.Count = 1 Then
' Item(0) is the (first and only) matching target parts,
' Submatches(1) is the substring between the second set of
' parentheses (all indexes are zero based)
GetFirstMatch = objMatch.Item(0).Submatches(0) + objMatch.Item(0).Submatches(1)
End If
Set objRE = Nothing
End Function