FTP Upload xml files

  • Last Post 19 August 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
jgebauer posted this 15 August 2019



I need a simple Workflow in V 4.10


Skip processing = yes
Capture = Watchfolder

Store = FTP Upload

The files for upload are PDF and XML
XML file is ignored.

best regards

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luca.scarpati posted this 19 August 2019



the workflow should be very simple and feasibleinnocent.

What does it mean that it's being ignored? Can you give us more information (e.g. how is the structure of this XML?)? Do you find any errors in the logs? 

If you do not want to share this data on the forum because it is "public", you can simply write to our support (support@scanshare.com) they will surely know how to give you a solution cool


Thanks and have a nice day!

Best regards,



jgebauer posted this 19 August 2019


XML files are not in the list off Support File Formats.
the PDF file is uploaded and the XML file not, without error, it is ignored.

Best regards,








luca.scarpati posted this 19 August 2019

Hi Jörg,

yes and ok, you are right it is not in the list of supported files because it is a system file. But there was a bug in the latest official version that even if the "Skip processing" is activate the input file with some system file extension is "ignored" anyway. 

However it has already been fixed and will be available in the next release.


Best regards,



jgebauer posted this 19 August 2019


thank you for the information

Best regards


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  • luca.scarpati