Hi There,
New to DocNav and configured a workflow where the customer needs to use a date read in the format of dd/mm/yy to save the file to a path of %other zone%\%yy%\%mm%\
This works fine by reading the whole variable as one and then using %ocr_zone('/',3)% to get the year and %ocr_zone('/',2)% to get the month. However with the font sometimes it sees anything between 10-19 as 1 1 for 11 or 1 7 for 17 etc...
I'm looking to use the Regex option to trim out the 'spaces' and just keep the numbers, thus ending up with 03/12/18 being seen as 031218 rather than 03/1 2/1 8 then I can reference the month and year by using the 5th to 6th character and 3rd to 4th respectively... I'm new to RegEx and following the guides doesn't seem to be yielding the expected results.
Any help would be greatfuly appreciated.