We are ing to create a workflow which will store to a folder. The folder will be generated by a value from an item list and the filename is based on the value given at the question.
- PC Client or MFP Client
How to do:
- Create a new workflow with the name “Store to Folder”
- Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP based on the used client)
- Create a new question with the following settings:
- Question and Button name: Filename
- Variable: MY_FILENAME
- Type: Typed
- Create another new question with the following settings:
- Question and Button name: Document Type
- Variable: MY_DOCTYPE
- Type: Selected
- On the left side menu of the question dialog click on Selected and then click on the “+” sign to create a new List
- Insert “Document Type” as list name and then client on Static on the left side menu
- Add 3 static values:
- Contract
- Invoice
- Other
- Drag the “Windows File System” Connector and configure it with the following settings:
- Folder: C:OutputScanToFolder\%MY_DOCTYPE%
- As output profile we select a normal PDF, so not a Searchable PDF (edit the default selected output profile and uncheck OCR)
- Save your settings
You can now try to use the workflow by using the MFP or PC Client.
The output will be stored into a folder in “C:OutputScanToFolder”, there will be a folder created with the document type you’ve selected. In that new folder you new document will be stored with the name you gave during scanning.