We are ing to create a workflow which will store to a folder. The folder will be generated by a value from an item list and the filename is based on the value given at the question.


  • PC Client or MFP Client

How to do:

  1. Create a new workflow with the name “Store to Folder”
  2. Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP based on the used client)
  3. Create a new question with the following settings:
    1. Question and Button name: Filename
    2. Variable: MY_FILENAME
    3. Type: Typed
  4. Create another new question with the following settings:
    1. Question and Button name: Document Type
    2. Variable: MY_DOCTYPE
    3. Type: Selected
  5. On the left side menu of the question dialog click on Selected and then click on the “+” sign to create a new List
  6. Insert “Document Type” as list name and then client on Static on the left side menu
  7. Add 3 static values:
    1. Contract
    2. Invoice
    3. Other
  8. Drag the “Windows File System” Connector and configure it with the following settings:
  9. Folder: C:OutputScanToFolder\%MY_DOCTYPE%
  10. Filename: %MY_FILENAME%_%UNIQUECOUNTER2+1%
  11. As output profile we select a normal PDF, so not a Searchable PDF (edit the default selected output profile and uncheck OCR)
  12. Save your settings

You can now try to use the workflow by using the MFP or PC Client.

The output will be stored into a folder in “C:OutputScanToFolder”, there will be a folder created with the document type you’ve selected. In that new folder you new document will be stored with the name you gave during scanning.