You are ing to use the email notification (by trigger) and exporting variables to a txt file.
- PC Client or MFP Client
- Random Testing document
- Email server
- Northwind Database (Copy it to your C‐Drive, somewhere)
- AD server
- There must be an existing user with an email address defined
How to do:
- Create a new workflow with the name: “Scan to MyCRM” (note that ‘MyCRM’ is just a random name)
- Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP based on the used client)
- Create Selected question with a SQL‐based item list:
- Question/Buttonname: Customer
- Variable: CUSTOMER
- Item list:
- Name: nwind customers
- Type: SQL
- Connection string: Use the button to create it. Use “Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB
- Provider”‐driver and the location where you copied the database.
- At the SQL‐query, click the (3‐dots) button and select “Customers”
- Select Column Displayed: CompanyName
- Select Column Returned: CustomerID
- Drag the “Windows File System” Connector and configure it with the following settings:
- Folder: C
- Filename: Document %YY%‐%MM%‐%DD% %HH24%.%NN%.%SS%.%FFF%
- Folder: C
- As output profile we select a normal PDF, so not a Searchable PDF (edit the default selected output profile and uncheck OCR)
- Drag the Data Export module and configure it with the following settings:
- Export all variables: unchecked
- Contents:
- CustomerId=%CUSTOMER%
- Folder: C
- Filename: Document %YY%‐%MM%‐%DD% %HH24%.%NN%.%SS%.%FFF%
- Add a Mail trigger on the Windows File System route with the following settings:
- From:
- Subject: Your document was processed
- Body:
- Your document with the following details was processed: Filename: Document %YY%‐%MM%-%DD% %HH24%.%NN%.%SS%.%FFF%.pdf The document will be imported automatically into MyCRM.
- Make sure “User Single Sign On” in Users section is enabled with at least 1 AD profile enabled (AD users require to have the email address set as well otherwise variable will be empty)
- Save the settings
Now you can use the PC Client or the MFP client to import or scan a document to the workflow “Scan to MyCRM”.
There will be a PDF and a TXT created. There are a lot of applications that supports importing files by using a TXT of XML file with the additional information. The workflow will also send an email to the user who scanned the document.