You are ing to create a workflow where user can scan to a database, e.g. SQL Server.
- SQL Server;
- Random testing document;
- PC Client or MFP Client.
How to do:
- Create a new workflow with the name: “Scan to SQL Server”;
- Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP based on the used client) and configure it with the following question:
- Selected question of type SQL;
- Click on the left side "sql" and click on the button "Wizard";
- Select the Provider: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server;
- Insert in the field Data Source: your Server name;
- Insert in the field Initial catalog: your DB name;
- Insert User e Password in their fields;
- Click test to verify the inserted parameters are correct and the connection works then click ok;
- Now we just have to select the table and select the column displayed and the column returned;
- Before you click save, try if the list is work by clicking "Show list results";
- Save all and return the workflow designer.
- Drag the Windows File System connector and configure it with the following settings:
- Path: Insert the same path as of the DB column: "C:Repository"
- FileName: insert the variable from the filename question: %FILENAME%
- Drag the Database connector and configure it with the following settings:
- Select the provider "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"
- Fill the following properties:
- Data source: the SQLServer name;
- Initial Catalog: the DB name;
- User and Password: the DB credential (SQL based authentication);
- Click test to verify the inserted parameters are correct and the connection works then click ok;
- Click the "INSERT" query button
- An example of insert query is displayed, customize it as follow: INSERT INTO Document (IdUser], [Status,PathFile,Description)VALUES('%USER%','%VISIBILITY%','C:Repository\%FILENAME%','%DESCRIPTION%');
- Save the settings;
You can now try to use the workflow by using the MFP or PC Client. The document will be stored in the specified folder in the Windows file systems and inserted into the target SQL Server.
- Example workflow attached.
- Link to the video: