You are going to create a workflow where user can store extracted invoice data to his/her MYOB Company files.
- MYOB account
- Random testing invoice
- MFP client, PC Client or Mobile Client
How to do:
- Create a new workflow with the name: "Scan to MYOB"
- Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP or Mobile based on the used client):
- Create a Selected question with a list type MYOB. Add the MYOB server address in the Server Field and choose "Company File" as return type
- Create a Typed question for the MYOB username
- Create a Password question for the MYOB password (optional)
- Create a Selected question with a list type MYOB. Add the previous created variable in the specified fields and choose "Customer" as return type
- Create a Selected question with a list type MYOB. Add the previous created variable in the specified fields and chose "Account" as return type
- Create a Selected question with a list type MYOB. Add the previous created variable in the specified fields and chose "TAX CODE" as return type
- Drag the Zone OCR Module and open the example invoice in it:
- Create a new Zone for the Description of Services, the variable name is %OCR_DESCRIPTION%
- Create a new Zone for Unit price Amount, the variable is %OCR_UNITPRICE%
- Create a new Zone for Invoice Number, the variable is %OCR_INVOICE%
- Create a new Zone for Invoice Comment, the variable is %OCR_COMMENT%
- Drag the MYOB connector and configure it with the following settings:
- As Server address the complete MYOB site address
- As Company file add the variable created in the first question
- As Username add the variable created in the second question
- As Password the MYOB specified Company file password or add the variable created in the third question if used
- Now let's move on the invoice details, as Customer you can select the MYOB Customer filtered according to your company files or add the variable created in the fourth question
- As Invoice number the variable created before into the Zone OCR module (%OCR_INVOICE%)
- Disable the Tax Inclusive because for this example the invoices have no tax inclusive
- Click the button Invoice lines and add a new table line:
- As Description add a variable created before into the Zone OCR module (%OCR_DESCRIPTION%)
- As Account add a variable create before into the fifth question
- As Amount add a variable create before into the Zone OCR module (%OCR_UNITPRICE%)
- As Job in this case don't add anything
- As Tax Code add a variable create before in the last question
- As Comment add a variable create before into the Zone OCR module (%OCR_COMMENT%) (the example shows the text "Product by Scanshare")
- Save the settings
- You can now try to use the workflow by using the MFP. The extracted invoice data will be stored in the specified MYOB Company files.
Extra tips:
If you need to add a list of dynamic invoice lines (not statically known before), you can enable the Dynamic Invoice lines and create a JSON array in the text area below, or click on the Variables button on the right to select a variable which will contain the JSON array (this can be a common approach when data extraction is dynamically performed with a Smart OCR script)
The JSON string structure must be as an array of invoice line data, example below of a single line (Description as string, Account as string, Amount as decimal, Job as string and Tax as string):
if you need to add more lines, just add a comma and then another line object:
NOTE: the MYOB connector does not store any documents (no output profile section is visible).
- Link to video: