You are going to create a workflow where user can scan to his/her Sharepoint account by setting a document property (column) of type Lookup and chosen by a pick list.


  • Sharepoint account
  • Random testing document
  • MFP client or PC Client

How to do:

  1. Create a new workflow with the name: "Set Advanced Type in Sharepoint";
  2. Drag a client capture module (PC client or MFP based on the used client):
    1. Create a selected question named "Select advanced type" with an item list type Sharepoint. Select the target List/Library and choose "List items" as return type. The return value by default will be ID;#Value
    2. Create a selected question named "Select folder" with an item list type Sharepoint. Select the target List/Library and choose "Folders" as return type
  3. Drag the Sharepoint connector and configure it with the following settings:
    1.  As Sharepoint Site address the complete Sharepoint address or Sharepoint office 365 address (in this case enable the check box Office 365)
    2. As Username the Sharepoint username or email for Sharepoint Office 365
    3. As Password the Sharepoint password
    4. As List/Library click refresh and it will update the list and check even if the connection has been successful. Select the target List / Library which will have the target Lookup property to update.
    5. Open the List/Library Properties, locate the target Lookup property to modify, insert the complete variable name configured in the question (e.g. %ADVANCEDTYPE%) or pick up it with the variable button;
      1. Note: for Lookup properties Sharepoint requires as a value the specific format ID;#Value where ID is the internal ID of the item into the Lookup list and the Value is its displayed value. When using the Sharepoint list items this format will be automatically used as per the above question configuration. If manually inserted, instead, it will be required to be manually created.
    6. As Folder, insert the complete variable name configured in the question (e.g. %SUBFOLDER%) or pick up it with the variable button;
  4. Check the output profiles;
  5. Save the settings;

You can now try to use the workflow by using the MFP. The document will be stored on the specified Sharepoint Site, in the target selected folder and the document will have the target Lookup property set with the value dynamically selected by the user. 


TIP: If the property is a Sharepoint Date field it must respect as well the format required by SharePoint.

The date field format must be as follows: YYYY-DD-MM or with full timestamp YYYY-DD-MMThh:mm:ssZ (T= AM/PM designator and Z=Hours offset from UTC, with a leading zero for a single-digit value ).


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