Installation on a Ricoh Device

  • Last Post 12 March 2021
Philipp posted this 09 March 2021


i have on next monday an installation of Scanshare ( Document Navigator ) on a Ricoh IM C5500. Until now I always had installations with Konica devices. My question is: Is the device compatibel with Version 5.21.02 an is there a manual or something else which helps me to install the App on the Ricoh Device, beause I didn't find something. Or is it only: Create a groupe, create a device an go? :-)

Thanks a lot and greetings from Germany,


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luca.scarpati posted this 10 March 2021

Hi Philipp,


actually the Ricoh MFD supported are all devices equipped with SDK 1.x, 2.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 10.x (except devices with 4 line LCD display).

If MFD is supported, the client installation is easy because the Ricoh client support automatic installation (so your above steps are correct).


Just for info here the list of MFD devices supported smile.


Best regards,


Philipp posted this 12 March 2021

Hey Luca,

thank's a lot and have a great weekend


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  • luca.scarpati