Low Zone OCR Performance - 2 min per page

  • Last Post 03 April 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
MMSupport1 posted this 25 March 2019

Hello forum,


we have a huge performance problem with the zone-ocr pages. One page takes roughly ~2 minutes.

We use the zone-ocr for seperating pages, therefore we need to let it run over every page. We have ~200 pages pdf documents in every runtrough (which would take somewhat like 3 hours).

Screenshot is provided.

Is this a normal case or something unusual?


Best regards!

Attached Files

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luca.scarpati posted this 27 March 2019



unfortunately your log is not debugging and we can't see what happens during the document process ...

I suggest you, set the log in debug mode (AppBar -> Settings -> Logging), try again with the same process and please send send us logs to our support (support@scanshare.com) and in case of a complete test by our part, you can also send an example of original document used and your export workflow...because it is not suggested to share them with everyone, they could contain private information. 


Have a nice dayinnocent!

Best regards,


MMSupport1 posted this 02 April 2019

Thanks for the superb help!


The Anchor Zone OCR on ever 200 page pdf really was cost intensive!

  • Liked by
  • luca.scarpati
luca.scarpati posted this 03 April 2019

Perfect and More than welcome!

...obviously after the suggestions received by opening a ticket cool!


Best regards,

