M-Files connector upload issues

  • Last Post 07 May 2019
Dimiter Sotirov posted this 18 April 2019


I am trying to set the M-Files connector up (for the first time ever) and am facing issues with it. I seem to always get the "The parameter is not correct" error from logs (as in the attached file).

I tried with different classes in M-Files which had different properties. I thought it might have something to do with the type of data so I created a new class in M-Files with no properties at all (just the default "Name or title". I still get the same error. Tried with other plain text properties with no luck. 

Does anyone have experience with this connecter and share what kind of data is expected? (e.g. for text fields)


P.S. I tried using the pickup connector and this works as expected if I only use questions that use it


Attached Files

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luigi.zurolo posted this 01 May 2019

Hi Dimiter,

could you please send us your workflow so we can check which configuration you are using? It might be something to do with the Name or title property as well.

Please send it to supportATscanshare.com since the forum is public.


Dimiter Sotirov posted this 02 May 2019

Thank you Luigi.

Holger will open a ticket so that everyone from the company later benefits from the solution. I will also post it here for the public.

luigi.zurolo posted this 07 May 2019

Perfect, thank you Dimiter.
