Mobile Clients

  • Last Post 13 August 2017
Michael Foster posted this 11 August 2017


could you tell me if the following is possible?

  1. Is it possible for a mobile client to connect to a customers Scanshare server, when it is not on the same network? Say if it the user was making deliveries out on the road?
  2. Can a workflow on a Mobile client be used to capture a customers signature? I would like a delivery driver to fill in the customers Name, Address etc, then prompt for a signature, possibly by moving to an annotation module on the mobile client.

luigi.zurolo posted this 13 August 2017

Hi Michael,

  1. yes, fully supported (btw we use our own cloud as well wink). Next imminent 4.8 has got also full SSL support to facilitate this kind of setup (outside internal network) when using mobile clients.
  2. yes mobile client can take pictures and send them to a workflow, which can have questions as well to fill additional data.

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  • luca.scarpati