Old version of Java 7 on server old and is a security vulnerability

  • Last Post 11 November 2019
  • Topic Is Solved
Joseph Devaraj posted this 03 November 2019


Please let me know if this can be removed from the Scan share server as it is stated to create a security vulnerability

The client had asked to stop Java from being updated and it is set not to






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luigi.zurolo posted this 05 November 2019

Hi Joseph,

yes the Java 7 RE is installed automatically because used by a Samsung component.

However being related to this specific component it can be uninstalled manually without any side effect or the complete Samsung module can be unchecked from the installation custom process so that it won't be installed at all.

  • Liked by
  • Joseph Devaraj
Joseph Devaraj posted this 05 November 2019

Hi Luigi

Thanks, will uninstall Java completely as it has been raised as an issue with the council


Joseph Devaraj posted this 11 November 2019

Hi Luigi

Thanks, have removed Java completely as it is not relevant to Sharp devices.

There have been no issues reported.


