Ricoh used ports

  • Last Post 09 June 2021
Miguel Maquelsa posted this 08 June 2021

Good morning:

I´m trying to use a Ricoh MFP as a scan device, but i´m not able to receive any documents.

All scanshare services are running... and Ricoh client SW is properly installed and server is also configured. The only event i receive is "ricoh device tryng to connect at port 1489?" (don´t remember if it is exactly the used port)

It seems to be blocked some network connections between mfp and pc... i´m trying to check which ports are used by Ricoh client and it doesn´t appear on neither your v4 nor your v5 lists of used ports...

can you confirm me if there are any more used ports than on samsung client?

Thank you very much. kind regards,

luigi.zurolo posted this 09 June 2021

Hi Miguel,

the ports in use by the application are all listed in the specific FAQ at Ricoh is using the general Wrapper and Network ports, same as Samsung XOA embedded client (not Web XOA or Smart UX).

There is no specific 1489 port, perhaps you meant 1984 and it is a typo? Check that the port isn't blocked.

Moreover please note that Ricoh support is up to a certain range of devices at the moment, you can find the exact range series always in the specific FAQ at

If everything is ok but you still have problems and you need support you can open a ticket in our support portal.

Thank you.
