Scan Workflow with different paper sizes (Edit: solved)

  • Last Post 09 April 2024
DN-Newbie posted this 05 April 2024


is it possible to create a scan workflow for the following case:

I have a mixed stack of paper with different sizes (European formats A4 and A3).

Is it possible to create a scan workflow with a TIFF format output that properly scans A4 and A3 and delivers a multiple page TIFF file? A typical paper stack is usually starting with A4 pages, some A3 (that's about double size of A4) and at the end it has some A4 pages again.

In my tests with size Auto it scans only the left half of the A3 pages and cuts off the rest. I'm using "separate scan" and insert A4 and A3 papers separately because if you scan the whole stack at once the scanner ends up in a paper jam. If I set the scan format to A3 locked, the A4 papers are white on one half of the TIFF image.

I'm still on DN V4. Thanks for any advice.

Edit: I found out it was a quite hidden scanner setting on the Konica Minolta MFP. I set it to "different paper length" which works fine for PDF files. I can scan mixed stacks with that and the output file has mixed full sized A3 and A4 pages. But this setting works only with PDF, with TIFF file output it still cuts off half of the A3 pages. So the only thing left was that I had to get my archive software to import pdf files in addition to TIFF images. That worked, so I changed my workflow to PDF output and Auto size locked in scan settings. In the xml output I changed media type to application/pdf. This now works fine as intended.

luca.scarpati posted this 09 April 2024



we are happy that you found the solution and specifically from your KM.

Only one thing we suggest you the latest version v5cool and we are getting closer to the V6 innocent


Best regards,

