Selected with Tree question

  • Last Post 19 October 2020
Andre LaB posted this 18 October 2020

Hi Luigi/Luca,

I want to create a workflow with a Select with Tree question but unfortunately it is not visable when I try to do so using an MFD Capture module. I can create a Select with Tree question from the main menu but it does not show up when I try and add it in the MFD capture workflow. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong??



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luca.scarpati posted this 19 October 2020

Hi Andre,


no bugs it depends on which MFD you are using, so your screen  is fully correct because you are using a Sharp client.

The "Select with Tree" type of question is not available for all clients because it depends on the technology that the client uses, for now they are only available for KM and Toshiba clients.


Best regards,


Andre LaB posted this 19 October 2020

Thanks Luca

Grazie mille

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  • luca.scarpati