Separate Scan not available on KM Web client

  • Last Post 27 May 2019
patrick.loxhay posted this 27 May 2019


I noticed that the separate scan option does not work with the web client on Konica Minolta devices.  It does work with the native Scan client.  I believe that this is a limitation of the Web Client Open API, can you confirm that this is the case i.e it is out of your control and KM would need to change it?  I like the look and feel of the Web Client but is does not have all of the available functionality that the Native Open API application has (i.e density control).  Do you know if there are any plans on Konica Minolta's part to change the scan functionality for web clients?





luca.scarpati posted this 27 May 2019

Hi Patrick,


that's strange because the Separate Scan should work without any problems even in the WEB version of the client ... which version are you using? Are you trying to start the scan with the "soft button" or with the "virtual button" on the MFP display?

For the "Density control" question we have never tried/search the availability because sincerely nobody no request it before now (also because for the specific settings so far we have the "Native client" that works well innocent).


Best regards,


