Unify files with different names

  • Last Post 14 June 2024
Flavio Mendes posted this 12 June 2024

Gentlemen, I have an ICR flow that reads a lot of tests, but there is a test sheet for day 1 and a test sheet for day 2;

I tried and failed to unify the output file with the markings for student X's exam on day 1 with student X's exam on day 2, for example:


As many test papers are read from day 1 and day 2, I would like to merge the student's answers for day 1 + day 2 into a single .txt output:

So that each student has only one file each with the corrections of the two test sheets.


I tried using the Append feature, but in this case several documents became part of a single document.

And my intention is that the unification should only be for each student's tests.

Is this possible?

luca.scarpati posted this 14 June 2024

Hi Flavio,


we update this post with same our support reply.


in your case you need to try the way to use the append function:

Maybe you can try to set the unique filename based some info of studet and/or exam (for example we see in your case this part of the filename DOC1174647) and you need to append the rest of the text

Otherwise if you need to do in some other specific case the first way you can take is that of some script/s that create internally the txt file with your variable value.

We attached a sample script.


Best regards,


Attached Files
