Upgrade V4 to V5

  • Last Post 18 November 2021
  • Topic Is Solved
lorenz.alder@faigle.ch posted this 17 November 2021

Hi -

I upgraded from V4 to V5 and had to revert to V4 because of a license issue. I was not asked for a license during the install/upgrade of scanshare V5.

I could not add or update the license in the new V5 version. The GUI prevented me from accessing the licensing tab. 

What are the necessary steps to upgrade from V4 to V5 ? 





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luca.scarpati posted this 17 November 2021

Hi Lorenz,


The necessary steps are:

  1. License maintenance always active, if you order a new maintenance then update the license before upgrading to V5 otherwise you will have a licensing problem (I think it is your case)
  2. Double click on V5 installer and all is upgraded automatically (no loss of license or user settings or workflows)
  3. The first time you start V5 your license will automatically upgrade to V5 template


 In case you are unable to start the control panel and receive license errors (e.g. maintenance expired), if the host file is still present you can try to use our CMD option:


Best regards,



lorenz.alder@faigle.ch posted this 18 November 2021

Hi Luca - 

I managed to correctly license V4 using the commandline 

  • Host.exe /activatelicense xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

I am now upgrading to V5.21.08. 


Thank you! 

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  • luca.scarpati