Using VBScript to trigger the Workflows

  • Last Post 29 January 2020
team solution posted this 29 January 2020

We now to trigger the workflows is by submitting a document through MFD/FTP/Watch Folder or even print a document with printer client, I have a question, is that possible to send data/text to ScanShare by VBScript?  

I want something like backend action,  integrated with other software.  Then the data/text will be transited to barcode and print out. I want to utilize the barcode generation function in Scanshare, then print the barcode out at the Store automatically.

luca.scarpati posted this 29 January 2020


yes but not directly, you always need to input some captures. For example, you can send any type of document (also a simple .txt) in a WatchFolder from your external software with Skip Processing enable: that you can trigger the workflow without processing the document.

From this step everything should be easy, add the Script Module, create a VBS script that read the data from your source (there is some example on this forum in the Sample & Mateterials categories) and create a variable with this function directly into VBS:

  • call Metadata.SetValues("VARIABLENAME", "VARIABLEVALUE")

...after it you can use the newly created variable in your Barcode Writer to assign a specific value to the Barcode.

The workflow should be something like this: 

I hope it was clear and helpful innocent.


Best regards,



