I am trying to connect to a API web services, using HTTP GET request.
like these 2 requests :
- https://entreprise.data.gouv.fr/api/sirene/v3/etablissements/?etat_administratif=A&siren=343958138
- https://entreprise.data.gouv.fr/api/sirene/v3/unites_legales/343958138
Base URL is https://entreprise.data.gouv.fr/api/sirene/v3/
And I as you can see I could use some parameters like "etat_administratif" or "siren" (there is even more described here https://entreprise.data.gouv.fr/api_doc/sirene)
But I cannot get them working with the WEB/API CAPTURE module ? My goal is to get the JSON RESPONSE and do a RegEX in order to retrieve a company name included into the answer
Could you help to use this API as an example or at least give me an example that is working with the WEB/API CAPTURE module ?
The manual cannot help me on that matter.