'Vertical' Zone OCR

  • Last Post 24 November 2020
Shaun.McKerchar posted this 20 November 2020


I am busy setting up workflows for a client to scan invoices on a Konica Minolta MFP and have them uploaded and indexed to Sharepoint Online.

The issue I am having is that the customer has invoices generated from a bank, and these invoices are printed in landscape orientation, whereas all their other invoices are in portrait orientation.

The zone OCR works 100% with the invoices that are in portrait orientation (the text is horizontal on the page) but I can't get zone OCR to work with the landscape invoices because the text is vertical (all invoices are scanned in portrait orientation).

Please see the attached example.

Is there any way to get this to work, other than asking the customer to scan these invoices in landscape orientation?

Thank you in advance.


Attached Files

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luca.scarpati posted this 23 November 2020

Hi Shaun,


easyinnocent, did you try auto rotation (Image processing) before you read the zone ocr?

I suggest you take these steps: 

  1. rotate an input document manually and get this as template for ZoneOCR
  2. after that add the image processing module before ZoneOCR module, set the Rotate filter and try the workflow again 


Have a nice afternoon.

Best regards,


Shaun.McKerchar posted this 24 November 2020

Hi Luca

Thank you for the reply.

I did try what you suggested before posting this discussion, but the zone was not OCR'd correctly.  I even tried storing the file to a folder after the image processing and then using that as the template for the ZoneOCR, but that also did not work.

I also tried all the different recognition modules in the ZoneOCR engine, but none of them returned the correct characters from the OCR zone.

Please see the attached images.


What I then tried was storing the processed images (rotated files) in a folder, and then creating a new workflow that picks the files up from a watch folder and then does the ZoneOCR, and this reads the OCR zone correctly.  However the problem with this is that I need to use the variables populated by the MFPClient in the 1st workflow for a condition rule in the 2nd workflow.

Is there a way to make variables globally available to all workflows?

I have managed to get the variable data from the 1st workflow written to a file, but I am battling to assign this data to variables in the 2nd workflow.

PS.  The Document Navigator version is 5.10.20


Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 24 November 2020

Hi Shaun,


more than welcome. I think that for your case a single workflow is fine, yours is a fairly simple and common case. Obviously if the OCR zones to be taken are always in the same position otherwise you need for example a script to do it (you can found more info into Sample&Materials section).

Attached you will find an example workflow that we already had from one of our many "HowTo" ... in it a folder is taken from path "C:" through a question on the MFP read the invoice number.


From your screens I can see that you are using a Factory Trial license maybe I suggest you contact your dealer first and get help with it, in case you need a regular license and or more support with your specific workflow they can contact our support directly.


Have a nice day!

Best regards,


Attached Files
