How to manage dynamic data with report generator

  • Last Post 16 July 2018
DaniC posted this 29 June 2018


I would like to use an csv or excel file that contain a list of N persons (N rows and 3 columns : name / surname / date of bitrh)

My goal is to create N WORD document. On each WORD document I will find in the first page the variable {[name]} / {[surname ]} and {[date of birth]} that will be replaced with the data coming from the excel/csv file

I though that I could use "report generator" connector, but the manual doesn't help ? I though that I could maybe use "document template" field to do it, but I don't understand how to use it ? 

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luigi.zurolo posted this 04 July 2018

Hi DaniC,

sorry for the late reply but you tried to create the topic into the Case Studies categories which is a closed one, so it wasn't visible, hence why I've moved it into the Setup & Configuration open category.

Yes the workflow you are mentioning is correct and you can indeed use the Report Generator module to generate the Word document with some dynamic tags replaced by the data picked up from a CSV file (not propretary Excel format).

Report Generator is a module which most of time will require some professional services since it requires a specific configuration for every case, however we will provide a sample workflow you can check and adapt to your needs.

luca.scarpati posted this 04 July 2018

Hi DaniC,

...If it's any help to you can find an example of a report generator attached. In the zipped package you will find all the files (datasource, template ...) and you will also find the workflow.


Good luck!




Attached Files

DaniC posted this 04 July 2018


Thanks luigi and luca.

I just want to be sure that my request is clear, I want to do what it is described into this video => 

Also I have tried your workflow, but I get the following error (I just drop into the watchfolder any pdf or img file)

2018-07-04 23:41:05:879 | Error | Le fournisseur 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' n'est pas inscrit sur l'ordinateur local.

So I think that I don't have (accdb) access database capabilities into my system. So why I would like to use a csv file instead. and you are saying that it is possible  

Could  you show me how ?

luca.scarpati posted this 16 July 2018

Hi DaniC,


the error is normal and is due to the missing specific Microsoft Access driver on your server. I suggest you install it and you will see that everything will work.


I can confirm that after watching the example video above, that everything is possible to do with the our report generator, check our example above and you will see that you can get there.

Sorry for delay and have a nice afternoon cool!


