How to treat, correct, insert and remove pages from documents read by PC-CLIENT???

  • Last Post 03 October 2022
Flavio Mendes posted this 29 September 2022

I'm testing the PC_Client feature on a client.

During the tests it was identified that some documents were scanned with wrong pages, blurred and therefore there was a need to try to exclude these pages through the preview panel.

could there be a feature improvement in PC_Client that allows you to delete documents, move, and rotate documents, before performing digital storage?

I ask this, because this client receives a very high volume of documents to be scanned, and it was expected that the possibility of viewing documents after being read by the Scanner could be treated before recording!



luca.scarpati posted this 03 October 2022

Hi Flavio,

no, this function is not available so it cannot be configured.

There will be new features in the future but they will always be available in our Web Client.


Have a nice day!


Best regards,

