How to view user login information

  • Last Post 09 February 2024
J.Bruna posted this 24 January 2024

Hello, good again, sorry for opening several discussions...


I need the date and time of the users who log in and log out to appear in the website event log and in the logs generated in .txt files.


I haven't been able to get it to work well, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.


In the events menu I activate INFO, DETAILED and DEBUG and then check all the options (A D E G I N NW P TP and WC). In configuration - registering I left the detailed option activated... but nothing.


I am doing something wrong?


Thank you very much again

luca.scarpati posted this 09 February 2024

Hi J.Bruna,


at the moment we don't think a report like this is automatically possible, but you can create a script or procedure or ... (extra Scanshare) that extrapolates the values you requested from the Application logs (obviously in debug):

  • For example for login:

 | Debug       | HomeController.Index(Scanshare.Web.Models.HomeModel,Home)

 | Debug       | MembershipProvider.ValidateUser(luca.scarpati, 4chars)

 | Debug       | MembershipProvider.ValidateUser(luca.scarpati: True)


  • For example for logout:

 | Debug       | HomeController.Logout(luca.scarpati)


Otherwise contact support and they will tell you something more specific that you could extrapolate directly from the settings db.


Have a nice day!


Best regards,

