Not all barcodes recognized

  • Last Post 06 November 2018
Dirk Klatt posted this 16 May 2018


i am new to Scanshare (Toshiba C&S) and just start my first project.
And just after the first tests i've have some problems with barcode recognization.

We scan our incoming invoices with 300 dpi b/w in dithering mode (Tif G4). So i get an optimal compromise between image quality and file size.
Now i've seen that C&S barcode recognize miss some of the barcodes! I know these problem, because in dithering mode the scanned barcodes contains 'speckles'. So other barcode-engines (i.e. Softek) have the option to 'despeckle' the image for barcode recognization.

But i dont' find any option into C&S barcode options. Is there an option to optimize the barcode engine?


best regards

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luca.scarpati posted this 16 May 2018

Hi Dirk,

welcome to our world cool!

The "despeckle" option is not directly available in the barcode reader module options, the way to do C&S (or Scanshare...) how could you have noticed by the workflow designer is modular, then you find the option "despeckle" in the image processing module: you will have to add a image processing with the option added above before the barcode reader. The workflow will look like this:


Good luck for you first project and please let us know if you need any more info.


Have a nice evening!


luigi.zurolo posted this 16 May 2018

Hi Dirk,

first of all, welcome on board :-).

I see what you mean and yes you are indeed right, the scanning seems to be optimal for a barcode recognition. However, as you correctly say, if there is too much noise on the barcode it may still be not fully recognized.

Yes we do have such options and they are available inside the Image Processing module since the workflow is modular. So to use it you need to add such module, with the Despeckle filter enabled, before the barcode recognition module so that the barcode recognition will be performed on the enhanced image.

If you should still have problems then please send us a sample scanning with the details of which barcode(s) you cannot get read, so that we can check for you and suggest the best approach. You can send it via mail to so that a support ticket will be opened and we will follow the issue from there.

Kind Regards,


Dirk Klatt posted this 18 May 2018


and thank you for you help! 
I have now set up the workflow so that despeckle is done before barcode recognition.

Now all barcodes are recognized, but the picture quality suffers considerably with the despeckle filter. We scan various documents created with dot matrix printers and impact paper.
These documents are no longer readable after processing! I added an example here.

Both documents were generated from the same scan file. Once with and once without despeckle filter.
As you can see, the document with the filter option is unreadable!

Any suggestions?

Best regards Dirk

PS: I tried to split documents by Barcode (multipage tif). Is it possibe that a splitting by barcode works only with pdf documents?

Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 30 May 2018

Hi Dirk,


for your purposes I have created a workflow that you can find attached in this message.

For cases like yours we always recommend using a Script that copies the Original file in output but at the same time keeping the variables you found in the previous modules (barcode reader in your case).

In the workflow suggested above you only need to add a Trigger Script on the link between Barcode Reader and WFS:

Have a nice afternoon!


Kind Regards,


Attached Files

Nuno Caetano posted this 29 October 2018

Hy Luca.

I have similar issue, but with zone ocr recognition.

I have managed to apply some filters and got some better results but original quality of document is changed.

After that, I tried to apply trigger script to copy document, but I get an error and workflow is stopped.

I'm using same script as youre's:


DestinationFile = Metadata.Values("%ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHPATH%")

SourceFile = Metadata.Values("%ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHPATH%")

SourceFile = SourceFile & ".bak"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

fso.CopyFile SourceFile, DestinationFile, True

Set fso = Nothing


log error:

Error | An error occurred at  | line 5, column 0: 52 | invalid fyle name


In this case, I tried to load your example, but was unable to (maybe system version).

Currently I'm using version 4.9


Thanks in advance

Nuno Caetano

luca.scarpati posted this 29 October 2018

Hi Nuno,


for the OCR recognition should work the same way as the Barcode recognition, without many changes.

the log line that you have attached is a Script message line, it seems that there are problems with your file name. Maybe use some file with some special character or maybe something is not good for the script.

Have you checked with some other files/filename?

Maybe share with us more information about your workflow ... strange that the previous workflow, there should be no problem changing the version.


Best regards,


Nuno Caetano posted this 30 October 2018

Hello Luca,


Thanks for the quick reply,

Has a workflow, I'm attaching the workflow on the post, but as you can see, I'm not even getting the name from zone ocr variable (has it will be in the future), and just keeping original filename. The name of the file I'm naming it as "Document1" and stil the same error.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Nuno Caetano

Attached Files

luca.scarpati posted this 30 October 2018

Hi Nuno,


more than welcome smile.

I tried your workflow with one of my test documents and it seemed not to give problems, however I modified the script adding some checks if there could be errors.

Because for your information from v4.9 the scripts have to check all the possible "ways" that it can take as errors, otherwise the process can be blocked.


Try with the script attached (remove .txt from the filename and add the path in the trigger script) and let me know.


Best regards,


Attached Files

Nuno Caetano posted this 05 November 2018

Hello dear Luca.

I've tested the provided script, but still, original isn't copied to end of the workflow.

Also, the lines for debug log of application don't register any error on the log file.

Do you have any other ideas why is this happening?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Nuno Caetano

luca.scarpati posted this 06 November 2018

Hi Nuno,


mmm strange foot-in-mouth.

I think your problem is specific to your application.

Please follow these steps and open a ticket to our support (, they will be fast and they will look for your problems:

  • Set the LOG in debug mode (MenuBar -> Settings -> Logging -> Debug)
  • Try the complete process again
  • After the process please send them the logs (hidden folder in C:\ProgramData\YOURAPPLICATIONNAME\Logs), the workflow, the script, an example of a document used in input and the document that you receive in output.


Best regards,


