Output quality

  • Last Post 17 July 2023
stan780953 posted this 06 July 2023

Is there a way to improve the quality of the PDF once it has been through barcode processing and converted to a searchable PDF? 

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luca.scarpati posted this 07 July 2023

 Hi Stan,


from your question I think that your input document process is a pdf so as you know they are rasterized during the process, therefore loss of quality (even if only slightly).

So you can try to increase the rasterization process, here some info about it.


Best regards,


stan780953 posted this 07 July 2023

Thanks Luca. The input document is a tiff file via an MFD, if I bypass DN the output is fine.  Is there anything else I can try? 

luca.scarpati posted this 17 July 2023

Hi Stan,


strange, maybe it depends on your process and what you are trying to do with your input document.

Maybe in this specific case try contacting support, send us the worklfow you are using, the output document you receive and the debug log folder.



Best regards,

