remove page

  • Last Post 14 September 2018
  • Topic Is Solved
giulio posted this 01 September 2018


i have a multipage tif file

I need to delete a page where on a word contained.

For this in module ocr I have defined a zone (OCR_ZONE01) and this settings:

in the regular expression% %OCR_ZONE01%;

use separator on and remove page on.

unfortunately it does not work ...

what am I doing wrong?

thank you


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luca.scarpati posted this 03 September 2018

Hi Giulio,


have you tried to insert a static regular expression and not the value of the variable you are just reading from the zone?

I suggest you insert a valid RegEx and that is "full match".


Best regards,


giulio posted this 12 September 2018


unfortunately I can not get the result ....

probably I'm wrong to define the regular expression.

the string read from OCR is "Informativa sulla Privacy ai sensi della ......"

I have insert in the field regular expression -> Informativa

so if the word is found, the page must be discarded.

any help thanks


luca.scarpati posted this 13 September 2018

Ciao Giulio,


As I wrote in your previous post the Regular Expression field in the Zone OCR "it was designed to find a targeted data selected"... it must be full-match and yours is not a regular full match RegEx, you simply entered a word Informativa eheheh laughing.


To be more clear the regexp field in Zone OCR and Barcode are both used to match or not the recognition (full match).

E.g. if the detected value matches the specified regexp then it gets returned otherwise skipped, reason why your variable is empty.


So your RegEx for you purposes look like this: ^.*\bInformativa\b.*$ 

I suggest you take a look at how a RegEx is structured wink


Best regards,


giulio posted this 14 September 2018

thanks !!!!!
