Hello fellows, I have been trying for a few days to understand how the OMR mechanism works for ScanShare.
I'm trying to create a stream of work that:
1- Read a file (template.pdf) that the template of a test from a folder "PROOF";
2-After reading, the Software must perform the OMR to identify the marks of the 10 Questions: Q1,Q2,Q3....
3-After doing this reading, the program must read the file (alunos.pdf) from another "STUDENT" folder
4- After reading, the Software must perform the OMR to identify the marks of the 10 responses per student: R1,R2,R3...
5-After reading the two files, the program should compare the answers, and show the result of each question in a CSV file.
Would this be possible???
I've been searching around here and haven't found much OMR content to explore.
can you help me?